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爸  妈


Dear Dad and Mom,
Thank you for being such a supporter of me. Throughout these past years after college and during my career I thought about this a lot — I am very lucky to have a Taiwanese father/mother who did not force me into being a lawyer, doctor, or accountant. Instead, you nurtured my artistic side and bet on it. My life would not be what it is today without this incredible effort from you.I am constantly reminded of how much we used to argue back in highschool as well, and that I did not try to appreciate the bigger picture of you and mom leaving all of your life in Taiwan behind you in order to provide Sean and I the lives you wish you had. I understand that I have impatient and aggressive qualities that I employ when disagreeing with you. Despite this personality, deep down I know you had to overcome worse obstacles when building your own career and then finally raising a family, which you later would tell stories about to teach us life lessons. 

Naturally growing up in a western culture, you had to endure Sean and I behaving unexpectedly during our adolescence. I cannot imagine the effort it took for you to accept our cultural difference. It takes a lot of bravery and love to have such sacrifice, so thank you for your dedicated decade for a couple of boys that hope to one day be half the man you are. No matter how depressed or frustrated I am with my career, you were always there to believe in me when I didn’t believe in myself. No matter what happens in the next chapter of my career, I appreciate all the prayers and words of encouragement you’ve given me thus far.


I cannot find a support like that from anyone else and because of you, I am a better man.

All the best,














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