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E3全名为Electronic Entertainment Expo




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今年最被看好Top 3的游戏项目吧!

《刺客信条: 起源》

Assassin’s Creed Origins.

《刺客信条: 起源》是由加拿大的Ubisoft Montreal游戏开发商所开发的热门动作冒险游戏。于2017新公布的这个作品已经是第十部了, 将在今年的10月27日发售


Every yearly release after 2013’s Black Flag have been disappointing flops of Ubisoft’s milking of the franchise. 2014’s Unity, although stunning in terms of visuals with its 1:1 ratio Notre Dame and 18th century Paris, was riddled with bugs from launch. 2015’s Syndicate introduced nothing new to the franchise except for the Assassin skill system, grand theft carriages, and having two main playable characters that the player can alternate between.

After an entire year’s worth of speculation, Assassin’s Creed Origins was announced in E3 2017 with the reveal trailer and gameplay receiving overwhelmingly positive reactions from netizens and E3 goers alike. 



此次游戏舞台是设定在托勒密王朝的埃及, 更增加了更多元的游戏体验, 如结合了ACT与RPG的模式, 让感观更加投入到这个丰富的游戏世界!

So what did Ubisoft change that made Origins so enticing?


Ancient Egypt

Ubisoft chose Ancient Egypt as the setting for Assassin’s Creed origins. Much of ancient Egypt’s history and environments are shrouded in mystery. This lack of historical documentation surrounding Origin’s setting allows Ubisoft developers more creative freedom as they are no longer bound by historical events the previous Assassin’s Creed games revolved around.




Origins moves away from the tedious click-fest of previous Assassin’s Creed games to adopt quick paced hack and dodge combat system more similar to Dark Souls or The Witcher series. The new combat system, coupled with the Assassin’s Creed franchise’s signature stealth gameplay, makes Origins unique in its genre.


RPG Elements

Assassin’s creed Origins introduces a more RPG like skill tree evolving from 2015′s Syndicate’s version. Gameplay shows an inventory menu looking similar to many RPG games. Looting now extends to equipment rather than being just limited to consumables. Weapon and equipment stats now play a crucial role in the player’s tactics.


Assassin’s Creed Origins releases on October 27th, 2017 for PC, XBOX, and PS4.

Check out the E3 gameplay trailer:


《星际大战:战场前线 II》

Star Wars Battlefront II

继2015年推出的《星际大战:战场前线》, 《星际大战:战场前线II》的时间轴定位在电影六部曲到七部曲之间的30年。游戏地图中还有超过16个全新的地面与太空战场, 还将过去三部曲中的场景重新打造, 成现出最多元的游戏内容。

2015’s Battlefront sucked. It lacked content (even with the DLCs), there’s no story-driven campaign, and it simply felt unfinished.

That being said, EA’s attempt to make up for the less-than-desirable Battlefront resulted in an impressive sequel to the series. DICE made one heck of a trailer showcasing gameplay from Star Wars’ all three eras with major characters such as Rey from Episode VII – The Force Awakens, Darth Maul from the prequels. But what’s most fascinating was not the addition of these playable characters nor the wide variety of settings. What captivated most fans was the inclusion of a campaign story. EA listened to player feedback, and at E3 2017, they presented Battlefront 2 with emphasis on their inclusion of a campaign and telling fans that, yes, EA is not entirely a cold, emotionless profit making machine.

(圖片來自star wars网)

The player gets to play as the Iden, the commander, a group of fighter pilot special forces commandos. The fighter pilot look of Iden hints at the possibility that perhaps there will be the addition of starship combat in Battlefront 2, or perhaps just better fighter gameplay.

(图片来自star wars网)

做为2017的续篇新作, 不只有全新的太空战争允许玩家使用多种机行进行战斗, 还首度增加了单人战役模式, 以及开放使用新角色爱登瓦西欧办演帝国军等, 感受更丰富的战斗模式。

So how is Battlefront 2 different?

At EA’s E3 presentation, we got a preview of the multiplayer gameplay. According to the presentation, players will be able to customize their characters and weapons, instead of having to choose from weapons available, players will be able to craft and test their own blasters . There will also be a class system, allowing players to strategize and support each other.

Battlefront 2 releases November 17, 2017, for PS4, XBOX ONE, and PC.

Check out the reveal trailer:



Middle-earth: Shadow of War

这个以《魔戒》文学作品为题材的游戏, 是由Monolith Productions所开发。自2014年上市的《中土世界:魔多之影》受到广大玩家及影迷的欢迎后, 时隔三年在今年E3又发布了最新之作《中土世界:战争之影》预计在今年8月22日就会上市

3 years after the launch of the wildly successful Lord of the Rings game, “Middle Earth, Shadow of Mordor,” Developers from Monolith Production rolled out the much-anticipated sequel, “Middle Earth, Shadow of War.” E3 2017 brought us heaps of new gameplay for Shadow of War, and all signs are pointing towards a stellar rollout of the new game.

在2017年将上市的最新版本游戏中, 全新刷新了天谴Nemesis系统, 可以大规模的组织自己的军团并与敌方对抗甚至招降敌方角色。如此看来游戏的空间增加了更多智能与灵动性, 让整个游戏的体验更加真实且更具考验。

What can we expect from the sequel of the best action game of 2014?

A lot of things.

(图片来自shadow of war网)

Shadow of Mordor left fans shivering in anticipation as the main character, Talion, unambiguously stated, “The time has come for a new ring” just before the credits began rolling out.

In the official story trailer for Shadow of War, the enigmatic Wraith bound to Talion is shown crafting a new ring made of a pale metal with glowing blue engravings. The impacts made to the Lord of the Rings universe lore, crafted with care by big daddy fantasy writer JRR Tolkien, will be immense, giving the story writers for the game unprecedented freedom of creativity.

But wait, there‘s more.

(图片来自shadow of war网)

The new ring, a rivalto Sauron’s ring of power, grants Talion identical powers to influence the soulof mortals. The player is now able to capture forts, build armies, and indulgein siege combats reminiscent of Dynasty Warrior games.

Middle Earth: Shadowof War releases October 10th, 2017 for PS4, XBOX ONE, and PC.

(图片来自shadow of war网)

Check out the storytrailer here:




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