旺小宅带你逛2017 Anime Expo!

又到了每年最大规模的动漫盛事Anime Expo啦!
就在4th of July这个长周末从7/1开始在洛杉矶会议中心展开为期四天的展会,让世界各地的动漫迷能够共襄体验各种有关动漫的风采!
这次的活动除了有强大阵容嘉宾到场助阵,包括演员洼田正孝, 歌手茅原石里, 还有X-Japan的Yoshiki。另外现场也会有来自各地的顶级Cosplayer登场与大家一起共享这个欢乐的气氛!
So what can we expect from AX 2017?
Let’s start with Cosplays: Post-apocalyptic action game, Nier Automata, became an instant hit after its March 7th NA release. Afterward, the internet exploded with Nier Automata main character, 2B, cosplays as well as ahem other things. At AX 2017, expect to bump into a lot of 2Bs and 9Ss fumbling around with their costumes and blindfold “combat visors.”
AX will host many events surrounding cosplayers, including gatherings, contests, and a repair station for costumes that will surely be falling apart. Other than that, expect the usual ratio of 9 flimsy, last-minute, generic cosplays to 1 actually decently made one.
(图片来自Facebook:Anime Expo)
Events: Premieres. One the perks of attending Anime conventions is that they will host the initial screening for many upcoming animes and animated movies. AX, being one of the bigger conventions, will host the world premier of many highly anticipated films and animes such as Kyoto Animation’s Violet Evergarden and the live adaptation of Tokyo Ghoul. Be sure to arrive early at premiere venues to reserve a decent spot.
(图片来自Anime Herald网)
Music: AX will feature many showcases, concerts, as well as karaoke events for those interested in embarrassing themselves. Musicians and performers related to the anime industry such as Garnidelia, the singer for many popular animes, and virtual personality, Miss Monochrome will be making appearances at AX 2017.
(图片来自Facebook: Anime Expo)
Panels and workshops: Every year, AX invites a bunch of personalities and industry professionals to give talks relating to their works. This year will be no different. AX 2017 will be hosting 82 different groups and individuals ranging from musicians, animators and voice actors to producers to give presentations about their work.
Other stuff: Con goers will have the opportunity to get ripped off from over 400 vendors. There will also be other attractions such as maid cafes with waitresses dressed up as maids charging you outrageous prices for coffee and stuff, but to be fair, most people don’t go to maid cafes for the coffee.
(图片来自Los Angeles Times网)
Cons of AX: People. Brace yourself for crowd, contact, and the unpleasantness of unwashed con-goers coming in from the sweltering heat of LA in the summer. Wherever there are people, there are long lines. Long frickin lines. Long frickin everywhere . The chances are, if you’re interested in something, there probably will be a lot of other people interested in the same thing.
Theres also the price. Pretty self-explanatory. The food and drinks will be priced outrageously, as they are in all conventions. Entering the convention itself will set you back at least 55 dollars for a one-day admission not including ticketed events.
7/1 8:00 ~ 7/4 20:00
1201 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90015
$55 ~ $425