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About Zuo Yue Zi & Postpartum Meals

Zuo Yue Zi in mandarin, or “sitting the month” in English.  Maternity doesn’t end at giving childbirth, Zuo Yue Zi is the 4th trimester! 

Much blood is lost during and after childbirth, the new mother’s body is very weak and vulnerable.  In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qi (energy) is required to essential to life, both physical and spiritual.  Women also lose a lot of Qi during pregnancy and labor.   This disturbance in the flow of Qi can cause many disharmonies in the body.  Deficiency of Qi and blood lead to tiredness and fatigue, which will make the immune system very susceptible to disease.  If Qi and blood is not recovered, it may lead to many serious problems which might manifest early or years later…

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As childbirth drains the mother’s blood and Qi, Jing Mommy believes that the 30 day s postpartum period is critical for mother’s recovery.  The 30 day of Chinese traditional postpartum is like recreating a woman.  Not only will it help you regain the loss of blood and Qi, it will also give you more strength and stamina for future.  There’s an old Taiwanese saying “Take care of the baby during pregnancy; take care of postpartum after giving birth.” (產前補胎,產後顧月內)  In Taiwan and China, every woman knows it is important to Zuo Yue Zi, doing Zuo Yue Zi right will help you recover from childbirth, produce more breast milk, and revitalize your body.

At Jing Mommy, we cook delicious mouthwatering traditional postpartum meals for new mothers in USA.  We understand that moms in USA would want balanced nutrition and something that’s not too heavy or greasy.  Our meal will help you remove “stale blood” (lochia) and regain Qi (energy).  The main “heating” ingredients in the meal are sesame oil, old ginger, and Yue Zi Shui (rice wine).  We also use all kinds of Chinese herbs, such as Red Dates, Dried Longan, Gou Gi, Dong Guai, Huang Se, and Eucommia Ulmoides bark.

On the first week, Jing Mommy focuses on your detoxification.  Sheng Hua Tang will help you clear up lochia and pork liver will replenish the loss of blood.  On week two, we’ll start repairing, especially lower backache problem.  On the last weeks, we’ll rejuvenate your whole body system, focusing on rebuilding Qi and strength.  These procedures will recover your body step-by-step and all the soups are beneficial in boosting your energy and breast milk.  It’s like having your mom or mother-in-law helping you out, but without the headaches that come with it.

Jing Mommy’s meal is high in iron, protein, vitamins, calcium, and anti-oxidants.  The meal is meant to promote blood circulation, replenish nutrients, boost breast milk, and speed up your recovery.  The meal consists of breakfast, lunch, dinner, desserts, and energy drink.  It’s recommended to finish the 30 day meal program in order to get the best result.

  • Breakfast: 1 congee, 1 egg
  • Lunch: 1 fish soup, 1 sesame soup, 2 vegetables, 1 rice
  • Dinner: 1 specialized soup, 1 sesame soup, 2 vegetables, 1 rice
  • Others: 2 desserts, 1 energy drink, (herbal meal comes with 1 Chinese herbal soup)

Jing Mommy owns our central kitchen, we do NOT outsource the meal, we are not middle person or agent who just takes order. We do not share our kitchen or borrow other restaurants’ kitchen like most of our competitors do. We are registered company and we have our own liability insurance.  Competitors that outsource the meal does not have MEAL liability insurance (not company liability insurance), they can’t get this insurance unless they own their own central kitchen.

How does Jing Mommy stands out from other competitors?

  • Variety of menu: The richness of our menu is far better than other competitors.  We provide delicious meal that’s not only good for your recovery, but also tasty!  We offer you balanced nutrition so you can provide high quality breast milk.  If you compare the menu (not marketing gimmicks) with competitors, you’ll see the difference.  We want you to enjoy your postpartum meal like going to a decent restaurant getting gourmet food!
  • Professional service: We have a team to serve you!  We have knowledgeable sales manager who knows how to manage the meal to fit your need, professional customer service rep who will take care of you during the meal delivery period, fabulous chef that has great passion in cooking, experienced drivers that will try their best to deliver your meal on time.  It’s never a one man show at Jing Mommy, we always work as a team to serve our customers.
  • Central kitchen: We own our own central kitchen.  We are not middle person who gets your order and outsource the meal.  We do not cook your meal anywhere else besides our own facility.  We control the quality and we have our own liability insurance.  We stand behind our meal and we are proud of our food and service.
  • Quantity: We understand breast feeding is important to you.  You are what you eat; your baby’s breast milk is also what you eat.  We want to ensure that you have enough soup so you’ll have enough breast milk.  Therefore, we provide 4 bowls of soup so you’ll have enough breast milk for the little one~

We stand behind our meal and service, providing you the best postpartum meal is our goal.  We do not compromise for second best, we are the BEST in the industry!!





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Nicole Huang
